
From marketing, web and advertising copy, to RFPs, to training manuals and project documentation, to essays and opinion articles, I've done a lot of writing over the last 15 years. Thanks for stopping by to read my writing samples.

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Opinion Article to Local Papers

Meet me at Town Meeting!

I have cleared my schedule and booked my babysitter. I am totally pumped for a night on the town. I will be spending the evening with forward-thinking, passionate and engaged people.

Yup! I’m going to Town Meeting!

On Monday, May 14, the citizens of Wakefield will be given a historic opportunity to vote in favor of a prosperous future for their beloved town. We can show our support for our children, our businesses and our property values by voting for the new Galvin Middle School. I urge you to join me at Town Meeting and be counted among the supporters of this necessary improvement. Without your voice, Article 5 for a new Galvin will not pass.

We’ve already cleared two major hurdles in the 4-step process to give our town’s children a new middle school. The first was to approve the $686,400 schematic design and feasibility study. The second was to have the budget and plans approved by the state to have them contribute 54.67% of eligible project costs. The third is to pass Article 5 by a two-thirds vote at Town Meeting in order to get the debt exclusion on the ballot for the June 9th election. The fourth is to pass the debt exclusion in the town-wide ballot question.

We are half-way there. If we don’t get support at Town Meeting, all of the work and research we’ve done, all of the time and money we’ve spent, all of the excitement and awareness we’ve generated will have been for nothing. We will have to tell the children of Wakefield, the businesses, and the property owners that we did not care enough to vote for their futures.

We have an opportunity to impact this town by simply raising our hands at Town Meeting. If the vote does not pass, there will be no ballot question vote on June 9th. The school will remain in its current state and continue to deteriorate. The Town of Wakefield will lose a $34.7 million State Grant to offset the total project cost of $74.6 million. There are no alternative plans or funding available to remedy the numerous deficiencies of the current facility.   

I have two children that will attend the Galvin – new or old. I will not pretend that they are not a large part of why I support a new middle school. Obviously they are. But even if I were not a parent of children who will benefit, I would still raise my hand at Town Meeting to support Article 5. Without quality schools, property values will decrease. Without a vote for our children, families will not consider Wakefield when looking for a home. Without a community vested in its own future, businesses will reject Wakefield as a place to conduct operations. A “Yes” vote on Article 5 at Town Meeting is the right vote for everyone.

I’d like to thank you in advance for your support for a new Galvin Middle School. I am looking forward to seeing you at the upcoming Town Meeting at the Galvin Middle School Auditorium on Monday, May 14th, 7:30 pm.

So… what are you waiting for? Call your sitter! I’ll save you a seat!

If you would like more information or would like to participate in helping to promote a new Galvin Middle School, please contact the Galvinize Wakefield Committee (http://www.galvinizewakefield.com/).